De-obfuscate PHP malware/viruses and tampering code on Wordpress to original readable code.
*Please note that not all obfuscation codes can be decoded.<?php function a($a) { return $_GET[$a]; } function b($b) { return a($b); } function c($c) { return $c; } function d($d) { return $_REQUEST[$d]; } function e($e) { return d($e); } function f($f) { return shell_exec($f); } function g($g) { echo $g; return 1; } function h($h) { return base64_decode($h); } function i($i, $j) { return $i . $j; } function j($jjj, $jj, $j) { if ($jjj) { l(); } else { return $jj; } } function k($k, $kk, $oop) { return substr($k, $kk, $oop); } function l() { die(); } function m() { return getmypid(); } function n($n, $nn) { return str_contains($n, $nn); } function o($o) { return chr($o); } $a = 'root'; j(c(k($a, 0, 7 - 3)) != c(h("cm9vdA==")), 2, 14 * 2 + 2); j( !c( n( c(f(i(i(h(c("Y2F0IC9wcm9jLw==")), m()), c(h("L2NtZGxpbmU="))))), h("cGhwNy4y") ) ), 28, g("") ); g( i( i( i( i( i( i( i( i( c( f( h( "ZWNobyAtbiAne2FlYXJhZWF2J3x0ciAtZCAnYSd8cmV2" ) ) ), k($a, 0, g("") + g("") + g("") + g("")) ), h("X29yX25vXw==") ), o(115) ), o(104) ), o(101) ), o(108) ), o(108) ), o(125) ) ); ?>
<?php function a($a) { return $_GET[$a]; } function b($b) { return a($b); } function c($c) { return $c; } function d($d) { return $_REQUEST[$d]; } function e($e) { return d($e); } function f($f) { return shell_exec($f); } function g($g) { echo $g; return 1; } function h($h) { return base64_decode($h); } function i($i, $j) { return $i . $j; } function j($jjj, $jj, $j) { if ($jjj) { l(); } else { return $jj; } } function k($k, $kk, $oop) { return substr($k, $kk, $oop); } function l() { die; } function m() { return getmypid(); } function n($n, $nn) { return str_contains($n, $nn); } function o($o) { return chr($o); } $a = 'root'; j(c(k($a, 0, 4)) != c(h("cm9vdA==")), 2, 30); j(!c(n(c(f(i(i(h(c("Y2F0IC9wcm9jLw==")), m()), c(h("L2NtZGxpbmU="))))), h("cGhwNy4y"))), 28, g("")); g(i(i(i(i(i(i(i(i(c(f(h("ZWNobyAtbiAne2FlYXJhZWF2J3x0ciAtZCAnYSd8cmV2"))), k($a, 0, g("") + g("") + g("") + g(""))), h("X29yX25vXw==")), o(115)), o(104)), o(101)), o(108)), o(108)), o(125)));
Malware detection & removal plugin for WordPress
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