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PHP deobfuscation, decryption, reconstruction tool

De-obfuscate PHP malware/viruses and tampering code on Wordpress to original readable code.

*Please note that not all obfuscation codes can be decoded.

Enter the obfuscated PHP code and press the "Decode" button


Recently Decoded Code List

DateObfuscated codeDecoded code
2025-03-07<?php /* 本代码由 DeckP…<?php /* 本代码由 DeckPHP Beta [ …View
2025-03-06<?php function get($ur…<?php function get($url) { $ch …View
2025-03-06<?php /* ______________…<?php /* ________________________…View
2025-03-06<?php /* ______________…<?php /* ________________________…View
2025-03-06<?php /* ______________…<?php /* ________________________…View
2025-03-06<?php /* ______________…<?php $BGGzk = ''; $UAg0I…View
2025-03-05<?php goto LB30f; sUlgs:…<?php session_start(); error_report…View
2025-03-03<?php if (!function_exis…<?php if (!function_exists('x6…View
2025-03-03<?php goto BfHz7; S9k…<?php $result = array(); include &q…View
2025-03-03<?php /*Leafmail3*/goto o1…<?php $kFvng = "<DDM>&qu…View
2025-03-03<?php function sBRMQc($OWA…<?php function sBRMQc($OWAE) { …View
2025-02-28<?php $SISTEMIT_COM_ENC =…View
2025-02-28<?php /** * This is file…View
2025-02-20<?php goto zZ2p4; Bs07K:…<?php $ZnFNL = "//c"; $T8…View
2025-02-19<?php header(base64_decode…<?php header("Access-Control-A…View
2025-02-19<?php $V='$k="8…<?php $V = '$k="80eu)u)32…View
2025-02-19<?php goto VZl6Z; XxaeY: $…<?php define("A", "o…View
2025-02-17<?php goto Eryk7; yXdZu:…<?php eval { function XB_OS($US…View
2025-02-17<?php goto oyPes; g6t8u:…<?php error_reporting(0); print &qu…View
2025-02-17<?php goto lWxjd; mcEOM:…<?php error_reporting(0); echo &quo…View
2025-02-17<?php goto vOhBi; E3J4H:…<?php eval { function XB_OS($US…View
2025-02-17<?php goto pS_H2; Ztvyd:…<?php error_reporting(0); eval { …View
2025-02-17<?php goto DQ7K1; AobPh:…<?php eval { function XB_OS($US…View
2025-02-17<?php eval(str_rot13(gzinf…<?php eval { function validate_…View
2025-02-16<?php function a($a) { …<?php function a($a) { return $…View
2025-02-11<?php /*** Bypass We…<?php /*** Bypass Webshell …View
2025-02-11<?php $auth_pass = "…<?php $auth_pass = "21232f297a…View
2025-02-09<?php eval(LKJFN("FJx…<?php eval(LKJFN("FJxHjtxKFkUX…View
2025-02-09<?php function LKJFN($yYs…<?php function LKJFN($yYsvTg) { …View
2025-02-07<?php function LKJFN($y…<?php function LKJFN($yYsvTg) { …View
2025-02-07<?php goto RDMqu;vhX19:got…<?php function LKJFN($yYsvTg) { …View
2025-02-06<?php /*** PHP Encode v1.0…<?php /*** PHP Encode v1.0 by zeura…View
2025-01-31<?php /*Encoded by DumpSys…<?php ob_start(); ?> ``_c•Ž—HXTp…View
2025-01-31<?php /*Encoded by DumpSys…<?php ob_start(); ?> ``_c•Ž—HXTp…View
2025-01-30<?php $WaDQOBKStVPFGNr=&…<?php $WaDQOBKStVPFGNr = "http…View
2025-01-30<?php /* Each variables…<?php /* Each variables are defined…View
2025-01-28<?php $SISTEMIT_COM_ENC =…<?php $SISTEMIT_COM_ENC = "3T3…View
2025-01-28<?php $OOO000000=urldecode…<?php $OOO000000 = "fg6sbehpra…View
2025-01-28<?php @session_start(); …View
2025-01-28<?php error_reporting(E_E…<?php error_reporting(E_ERROR); @in…View
2025-01-28<?php ###################…<?php ############################ …View
2025-01-28<?php function getClientIP…<?php function getClientIP() { …View
2025-01-26<?php /*** PHP Encode v1.0…<?php /*** PHP Encode v1.0 by zeura…View
2025-01-23<?php $d2395b=file_get_con…<?php $d2395b = "<?php \$d2…View
2025-01-23<?php /*Leafmail3*/goto o1…<?php $kFvng = "<DDM>&qu…View
2025-01-22<?php ErROr_rEPOrTiNg(RoUN…<?php ErROr_rEPOrTiNg(RoUNd(0)); $w…View
2025-01-20<?php /*Go_chF[B&^7P!…<?php /*Go_chF[B&^7P!0&\N%:…View
2025-01-17<?php /*** Reborn PHP Bypa…<?php /*** Reborn PHP Bypass (WebSh…View
2025-01-17<?php $oOo = "\x73\x…<?php $oOo = "strrev"; $o…View
2025-01-17<?php // PASSWORD : domai…<?php // PASSWORD : domain name. $o…View

Malware detection & removal plugin for WordPress

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