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PHP deobfuscation, decryption, reconstruction tool

De-obfuscate PHP malware/viruses and tampering code on Wordpress to original readable code.

*Please note that not all obfuscation codes can be decoded.

Enter the obfuscated PHP code and press the "Decode" button


Recently Decoded Code List

DateObfuscated codeDecoded code
2025-01-14<?php /*** php encod…<?php /*** php encoder By zhupin …View
2025-01-14<?php defined("\x5f\…<?php defined("_JEXEC") o…View
2025-01-13<?php // Copyright 2025 - …View
2025-01-12<?php goto vYA4y;vYA4y:err…<?php error_reporting(0); $c_940d90…View
2025-01-12<?php goto JMd0_; yo8hW: s…<?php goto JMd0_; // [PHPDeobfuscat…View
2025-01-11<?php $Q=str_replace(&apo…<?php $Q = "create_function&qu…View
2025-01-10<?php eval("?>&quo…<?php eval("?>%w2-\n%icx-\n…View
2025-01-09<?php goto SlNec; YNQoe:…<?php @set_time_limit(0); error_rep…View
2025-01-09<?php /*-Fo.)L+f7eU-*/erro…<?php /*-Fo.)L+f7eU-*/ error_report…View
2025-01-09<?php /*-p$P$;us7+-*/error…<?php /*-p$P$;us7+-*/ error_reporti…View
2025-01-09<?php /*-{|d>vC-*/error…<?php /*-{|d>vC-*/ error_reporti…View
2025-01-09<?php goto at9QW; dc2tV:…<?php $s6U7E = $_SERVER["DOCUM…View
2025-01-08<?php /*-p$P$;us7+-*/error…<?php /*-p$P$;us7+-*/ error_reporti…View
2025-01-07<?php goto JMd0_; yo8hW:…<?php error_reporting(0); session_s…View
2025-01-07<?php if(!defined('A_…View
2025-01-06<?php echo "\x48\x65…<?php echo "Hello World";View
2025-01-06<?php $a=base64_decode(&ap…<?php $a = "[82][71][116][107]…View
2025-01-06<?php $z677b20357cea0=fil…<?php $z677b20357cea0 = array(0 =&g…View
2025-01-04<?php bolt_decrypt( __FILE…<?php bolt_decrypt("/var/www/h…View
2025-01-03<?php goto MgORj; MgORj:…<?php $myVar = 0; function test() {…View
2025-01-03<?php "\x77\x2a"…<?php "w*3WY+?FMAQU,!wzk(cPpm?…View
2024-12-30<?php $__='pr…<?php $__ = 'printf'; $_ …View
2024-12-30<?php $stt1 = "Sy1Lz…<?php $stt1 = "Sy1LzNFQsrdT0is…View
2024-12-30<?php goto mUxpb; Eoo48:…<?php $LQtwl = "http://";…View
2024-12-29<?php eval(" ?>&q…<?php eval { ?><html> …View
2024-12-29<?php $pw = "bbf94b34…<?php $pw = "bbf94b34eb32268ad…View
2024-12-29<?php session_start(); @…<?php session_start(); @set_time_li…View
2024-12-28<?php //ICB0 74:0 81:1a3a …<?php //ICB0 74:0 81:1a3a 82:3270 /…View
2024-12-14<?php /*** PHP Encode v1.0…<?php /*** PHP Encode v1.0 by zeura…View
2024-12-14<?php $mjysd = '8i…<?php $mjysd = '8it#vr64\&apos…View
2024-12-14<?php $mjysd = '8it#…<?php $mjysd = '8it#vr64\&apos…View
2024-12-12<?php $zas4t = "cjOMh…<?php $zas4t = "cjOMhZRyL8BStD…View
2024-12-12<?php /* 作者 窗枝猫 …<?php /* 作者 窗枝猫 创建时间 2…View
2024-12-03<?php if (isset($_COOKIE))…<?php if (isset($_COOKIE)) { if…View
2024-12-01<?php if($_GET[base64_deco…<?php if ($_GET["add_user"…View
2024-12-01<?php // Copyright 2024 /…<?php // Copyright 2024 // Telegram…View
2024-11-30<?php //ICB0 74:0 81:10be6…<?php //ICB0 74:0 81:10be6 //00cbc …View
2024-11-29<?php $terms=array("M…<?php $terms = array("M",…View
2024-11-27<?php eval(base64_decode(&…<?php eval { session_start(); …View
2024-11-25<?php function _nqhgbr/*x…<?php function _nqhgbr($ohc24x3f) {…View
2024-11-24<?php /*-`H(FQ1[}-*/error_…<?php /*-`H(FQ1[}-*/ error_reportin…View
2024-11-22<?php function _Ms0T($_q2P…<?php function _Ms0T($_q2Pi6) { …View
2024-11-20<?php // v3n0m Tools : …<?php // v3n0m Tools : https://t.me…View
2024-11-20<?php // v3n0m Tools : ht…<?php // v3n0m Tools : https://t.me…View
2024-11-20<?php /* * The sea…<?php /* * The searchform.php te…View

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